You Bloody Idiots!
There is madness in the air and to deliberately
mis-quote George Santayana, those that do not pay attention to history
are bound to repeat it. That is exactly what Tony Abbott and his
government are doing and why should we expect anything different from
someone who is so devoid of anything original all he can do is follow
the leader like sheep follow the shepherd.Paul McGeough’s analysis in Monday’s Age
newspaper is spot on. Fools rush in where wise men would bide their
time. Tony Abbott is sending 600 military personnel and six ageing
aircraft into a conflict with no idea what he is getting involved in,
what the strategy is, or what the time frame is. My only reaction when I
heard this latest piece of news was to say, ‘You bloody idiots’.
does he seriously think 6 jets and 200 military advisors can do? More
importantly, was he asleep during the first decade of this century? How
many jets does Saudi Arabia have? How many does Egypt have? What about
Iran, Jordan, Turkey? What are they doing to intervene in this conflict?
This is their turf; their area of responsibility. Would any of those
countries send their jets to Fiji or Samoa or Nauru if there was an
outbreak of unspeakable violence there?
In an area of the world where conflict has been raging in one form or
another for over 1000 years, where kingdoms and dictatorships have been
the norm, where paper thin democracies struggle to define themselves,
are we going to save them from themselves?
I think not!
How simple-minded this government is. How pathetic is the Labor
opposition that so meekly falls into line as if there was no other
position it could take. I well remember how staunchly Labor opposed the
war in Vietnam and our involvement in it. Arthur Calwell stood firm.
Gough Whitlam stood firm. In the end they were right. Their views
prevailed. But not before the Liberal government continued to increase
our commitment to that conflict and not before 500 Australian soldiers
died in a civil war that even our current Governor-General, himself a
decorated military man, said was a mistake. How many of our soldiers
died in Afghanistan and for what? Does anyone seriously think
Afghanistan is stable? Does anyone seriously think the Taliban are
are the voices of dissent now? Who will oppose this absurd decision?
Don’t look to the mainstream media. Monday’s headline in the Herald-Sun
tells us quite clearly where their support lies. ‘Ready for War’.
Really? You stupid, stupid people.
I would not even give Abbott the credit for doing this as a means of
saving his political hide. That would be praising him. He just isn’t
that smart. This is pure Santamaria ideology. But Labor should know
better. They ended our involvement in Vietnam. They have a
conscience.They should know better.
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